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Introducing the Yellow Tulip Bouquet, a vibrant and cheerful floral arrangement that is sure to brighten up anyone's day. This stunning bouquet features a collection of bright yellow tulips, each carefully selected and arranged by skilled florists to create a beautiful and harmonious display of color and texture. The tulips are hand-tied to ensure that each stem is perfectly placed and complemented by its neighboring blooms, creating a cohesive and visually stunning arrangement.
Yellow Tulip Bouquet
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premium yellow tulips. - 60 pcs
- Width - 50 cm
- Height - 60 cm
Introducing the Yellow Tulip Bouquet, a vibrant and cheerful floral arrangement that is sure to brighten up anyone's day. This stunning bouquet features a collection of bright yellow tulips, each carefully selected and arranged by skilled florists to create a beautiful and harmonious display of color and texture. The tulips are hand-tied to ensure that each stem is perfectly placed and complemented by its neighboring blooms, creating a cohesive and visually stunning arrangement.
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