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A vibrant medley of yellow roses and delicate spray roses intertwine in this enchanting bouquet, exuding warmth and elegance. The golden hue of the yellow roses radiates joy and friendship, while the dainty spray roses add a touch of whimsy and grace. Each bloom is carefully selected and artfully arranged, creating a harmonious composition that captivates the senses. This bouquet is a delightful expression of affection, perfect for brightening any occasion with its charming beauty and sweet fragrance.
Yellow Mellow
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- FlowerBouquets - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
Yellow rose - 20 pcs yellow spray rose - 10 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 45 cm
A vibrant medley of yellow roses and delicate spray roses intertwine in this enchanting bouquet, exuding warmth and elegance. The golden hue of the yellow roses radiates joy and friendship, while the dainty spray roses add a touch of whimsy and grace. Each bloom is carefully selected and artfully arranged, creating a harmonious composition that captivates the senses. This bouquet is a delightful expression of affection, perfect for brightening any occasion with its charming beauty and sweet fragrance.
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