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Introducing the stunning "White Roses & Hydrangea" bouquet - a beautiful arrangement that exudes grace, elegance, and sophistication. This bouquet features a carefully curated selection of the finest white roses and hydrangeas, arranged in a lush and bountiful display. The contrasting textures of the roses and hydrangeas work together harmoniously, creating a visually stunning arrangement that is sure to impress.
White Roses Hydrangea
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- 3 people product added to their collections
- You will get 38.76 bonuses
hydrangeas. - 6 pcs white explorer rose - 15 pcs
- Width - 35 cm
- Height - 65 cm
Introducing the stunning "White Roses & Hydrangea" bouquet - a beautiful arrangement that exudes grace, elegance, and sophistication. This bouquet features a carefully curated selection of the finest white roses and hydrangeas, arranged in a lush and bountiful display. The contrasting textures of the roses and hydrangeas work together harmoniously, creating a visually stunning arrangement that is sure to impress.
185 ratings • 140 purchases
Ratings and reviews
March 2025
March 2025
March 2025
Kind and very helpful. Great service.
March 2025
March 2025
Thank you, very interesting design and fresh look
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