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This exquisite bouquet combines 10 pure white lilies with lush eucalyptus leaves, creating a stunning display of elegance and freshness. The lilies graceful petals bring a sense of purity and serenity, while the eucalyptus adds a natural touch and soothing fragrance. Perfect for special occasions or as a thoughtful gift, this bouquet evokes beauty and tranquility in every bloom.
White Lilly Eucalyptus Bouquet
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- FlowerBouquets - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
white lilly - 10 pcs eucalyptus leaves - 10 pcs
- Width - 35 cm
- Height - 60 cm
This exquisite bouquet combines 10 pure white lilies with lush eucalyptus leaves, creating a stunning display of elegance and freshness. The lilies graceful petals bring a sense of purity and serenity, while the eucalyptus adds a natural touch and soothing fragrance. Perfect for special occasions or as a thoughtful gift, this bouquet evokes beauty and tranquility in every bloom.
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