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The Tom Snout bouquet is a captivating arrangement featuring 15 Rosita Roses, 5 Julieta Roses, 5 Eustoma Stems, 3 Oxypetalum Stems, and 5 Leather Fern Stems. This bouquet beautifully combines soft, romantic blooms with delicate greenery, creating a fresh and elegant display that is perfect for any special occasion.
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Tom Snout
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Ribbon - 1 pcs Eustoma - 5 pcs wrapping paper - 4 pcs oxypetalum - 3 pcs julieta - 5 pcs leather fern - 5 pcs rosita roses - 15 pcs
- Width - 40 cm
- Height - 55 cm
The Tom Snout bouquet is a captivating arrangement featuring 15 Rosita Roses, 5 Julieta Roses, 5 Eustoma Stems, 3 Oxypetalum Stems, and 5 Leather Fern Stems. This bouquet beautifully combines soft, romantic blooms with delicate greenery, creating a fresh and elegant display that is perfect for any special occasion.
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