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Here’s the updated description for your bouquet, named Thaleia: Thaleia Bouquet Introducing the Thaleia Bouquet, a refreshing and vibrant arrangement that combines the soft elegance of roses with the cheerful beauty of gerbera daisies. This captivating bouquet is perfect for adding a burst of color to any occasion or as a thoughtful gift to brighten someones day. Bouquet Includes: 15 Roses, 3 Vibernum, 10 Gerbera Daisies, and 3 Preserve Leather Ferns. Description: The Thaleia Bouquet features a harmonious mix of delicate roses, vibrant gerbera daisies, and fresh greenery, creating a joyful and uplifting display. The soft pink tones of the roses are complemented by the lively yellow and pink gerberas, while the preserve leather ferns add texture and elegance. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any occasion that deserves a touch of floral beauty. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we carefully select the freshest flowers to ensure your bouquet is vibrant and stunning for days. Share the charm of our Thaleia Bouquet with someone special or treat yourself to this delightful floral experience!
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Ribbon - 1 pcs Gerbera - 10 pcs wrapping paper - 5 pcs vibernum - 3 pcs roses - 15 pcs preserve leather fern - 3 pcs
- Width - 50 cm
- Height - 55 cm
Here’s the updated description for your bouquet, named Thaleia: Thaleia Bouquet Introducing the Thaleia Bouquet, a refreshing and vibrant arrangement that combines the soft elegance of roses with the cheerful beauty of gerbera daisies. This captivating bouquet is perfect for adding a burst of color to any occasion or as a thoughtful gift to brighten someones day. Bouquet Includes: 15 Roses, 3 Vibernum, 10 Gerbera Daisies, and 3 Preserve Leather Ferns. Description: The Thaleia Bouquet features a harmonious mix of delicate roses, vibrant gerbera daisies, and fresh greenery, creating a joyful and uplifting display. The soft pink tones of the roses are complemented by the lively yellow and pink gerberas, while the preserve leather ferns add texture and elegance. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any occasion that deserves a touch of floral beauty. At Fellora Flower Boutique, we carefully select the freshest flowers to ensure your bouquet is vibrant and stunning for days. Share the charm of our Thaleia Bouquet with someone special or treat yourself to this delightful floral experience!
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Amazing service ! The best customer service I could ask for! Simply amazing 🤩
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