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Brighten someones day with the vibrant Sunset Delight Bouquet. This cheerful arrangement features stunning orange Kahala roses paired with charming daisies, creating a delightful mix of warm hues and fresh fragrance. Let the Sunset Delight Bouquet bring a burst of sunshine and joy to your special moments.
Sunset Delight Bouquet
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kahala rose - 7 pcs camille bush chamomile - 6 pcs
- Width - 25 cm
- Height - 37 cm
Brighten someones day with the vibrant Sunset Delight Bouquet. This cheerful arrangement features stunning orange Kahala roses paired with charming daisies, creating a delightful mix of warm hues and fresh fragrance. Let the Sunset Delight Bouquet bring a burst of sunshine and joy to your special moments.
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