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The summer sunflowers and hydrangeas bouquet is a bright and sunny combination of flowers that creates an atmosphere of summer and warmth. In the centre of the bouquet are the sunflowers, with their bright yellow petals symbolising sunshine and joy. They are surrounded by hydrangea and Juliette bush roses, which add freshness and lightness. This bouquet would make a great gift for those who love summer and nature.
Sunflowers and Juliet roses in the Hot Kiss bouquet
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Ribbon - 1 pcs Hydrangea - 1 pcs Alstroemeria - 2 pcs Sunflower - 2 pcs chamomile - 2 pcs santini - 2 pcs dianthus - 2 pcs matte foil - 2 pcs juliette bush rose - 1 pcs
- Width - 28 cm
- Height - 45 cm
The summer sunflowers and hydrangeas bouquet is a bright and sunny combination of flowers that creates an atmosphere of summer and warmth. In the centre of the bouquet are the sunflowers, with their bright yellow petals symbolising sunshine and joy. They are surrounded by hydrangea and Juliette bush roses, which add freshness and lightness. This bouquet would make a great gift for those who love summer and nature.
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