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Pure Elegance is a stunning arrangement of delicate white lilies, roses, and babys breath. This graceful bouquet radiates timeless beauty and sophistication, perfect for any occasion where you want to convey purity, peace, or love. Presented in a sleek glass bowl, the fresh green fern accents add just the right touch of nature’s charm. Whether it’s for a wedding, anniversary, or as a heartfelt gift, this bouquet offers an exquisite display of elegance and class. Gift Details: Gypsophillia Lily Roses Hydrangea Leather Fern Vase
Serene White Flower Arrangement
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Hydrangea - 1 pcs Lily - 2 pcs Vase - 1 pcs rose - 8 pcs gypso - 5 pcs leatherferm - 5 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 35 cm
Gv flowers, United Arab Emirates
Country of manufacture
United Arab Emirates
Pure Elegance is a stunning arrangement of delicate white lilies, roses, and babys breath. This graceful bouquet radiates timeless beauty and sophistication, perfect for any occasion where you want to convey purity, peace, or love. Presented in a sleek glass bowl, the fresh green fern accents add just the right touch of nature’s charm. Whether it’s for a wedding, anniversary, or as a heartfelt gift, this bouquet offers an exquisite display of elegance and class. Gift Details: Gypsophillia Lily Roses Hydrangea Leather Fern Vase
Ratings and reviews
November 2024
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