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regal and elegant bouquet, A Regal Trio features 10 pristine white roses, 10 soft pink roses, and 10 luxurious purple roses, all elegantly wrapped in white. This stunning combination of colors creates a sophisticated and timeless arrangement. The contrasting hues of the roses, along with their velvety petals and fragrant aroma, make this bouquet a perfect choice for expressing love, admiration, or gratitude.
Royal Palette
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rose white - 10 pcs rose pink - 10 pcs rose purple - 10 pcs spray rose pink - 5 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 60 cm
regal and elegant bouquet, A Regal Trio features 10 pristine white roses, 10 soft pink roses, and 10 luxurious purple roses, all elegantly wrapped in white. This stunning combination of colors creates a sophisticated and timeless arrangement. The contrasting hues of the roses, along with their velvety petals and fragrant aroma, make this bouquet a perfect choice for expressing love, admiration, or gratitude.
Ratings and reviews
February 2025
February 2025
February 2025
Great experience! Even on 14feb they could arrange the delivery in time! And really fast replied. Great service!
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