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Discover the magnificent beauty of this elegant Mono Bouquet, meticulously arranged with 30 purple roses. Each stem has been carefully selected to create a perfect harmony of color, texture, and fragrance. The bouquet will surely captivate with its fresh and vibrant appeal, making it an ideal gift for any occasion or a charming centerpiece for your space. Ignite joy and spread love with this beautiful floral ensemble.
Purple Galaxy bouquet of flowers
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purple rose - 32 pcs caspia - 3 pcs gepsovillia - 3 pcs
- Width - 25 cm
- Height - 40 cm
Discover the magnificent beauty of this elegant Mono Bouquet, meticulously arranged with 30 purple roses. Each stem has been carefully selected to create a perfect harmony of color, texture, and fragrance. The bouquet will surely captivate with its fresh and vibrant appeal, making it an ideal gift for any occasion or a charming centerpiece for your space. Ignite joy and spread love with this beautiful floral ensemble.
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