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Celebrate elegance with Pure Love, featuring 30 exquisite white roses arranged in a sleek black box. This sophisticated bouquet combines the purity of white roses with the modern elegance of a black box, creating a stunning and timeless display perfect for any special occasion or as a memorable gift. Flower Care Tips: Dust the roses regularly to maintain their fresh and pristine appearance. Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent fading. Clean the black box periodically to ensure it remains looking polished. Keywords: Pure Love, white roses, 30 white roses, black box arrangement, floral display, elegant bouquet, sophisticated flowers, indoor décor, home décor, office décor, timeless arrangement, low maintenance flowers, decorative roses
Pure Love: 30 White Roses in a Sleek Black Box
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- You will get 9.92 bonuses
black box - 1 pcs white roses - 30 pcs
- Width - 35 cm
- Height - 35 cm
Al zahra fresh flowers
Celebrate elegance with Pure Love, featuring 30 exquisite white roses arranged in a sleek black box. This sophisticated bouquet combines the purity of white roses with the modern elegance of a black box, creating a stunning and timeless display perfect for any special occasion or as a memorable gift. Flower Care Tips: Dust the roses regularly to maintain their fresh and pristine appearance. Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent fading. Clean the black box periodically to ensure it remains looking polished. Keywords: Pure Love, white roses, 30 white roses, black box arrangement, floral display, elegant bouquet, sophisticated flowers, indoor décor, home décor, office décor, timeless arrangement, low maintenance flowers, decorative roses
Ratings and reviews
October 2024
October 2024
I wrote a card to be delivered with the flowers . The card sent with the flowers has only one sentence and the rest was not written even the name of the sender 😠
May 2024 • Google maps review
Exselad flower shop nise service
January 2024 • Google maps review
Nice flower's
February 2024 • Google maps review
Good flowers 🌺🌹 👍
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