This designer bouquet is a real work of art. It consists of elegant white roses (3 pcs.), delicate gerberas (2 pcs.) and beautiful chrysanthemums (5 pcs.), decorated with miniature baby roses (2 pcs.) and playful carnations (7 pcs.). The bouquet is complemented by fresh branches of eucalyptus (2 pcs.) and pine (1 pc.), creating a unique, natural aroma. The process is completed by placing the bouquet in a special box with water (1 pc.), packing it in a stylish bag or box (1 pc.) and decorating it with an exquisite satin bow (1 pc.). As a bonus, there is a permanent postcard (1 pc.), where you can leave heartfelt words. The whole process is completed using Chrysal (1 pc.), whose humidifying function will ensure long-term preservation of the beauty and freshness of the composition. With this bouquet, the celebration will turn into an unforgettable event.
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Princess Bouquet
- Art_tulip_uae - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
Chrysanthemum - 5 pcs Gerbera - 2 pcs rose white - 3 pcs dianthus - 7 pcs cymbidium - 3 pcs postcard - 1 pcs eukalyptus - 2 pcs krizal - 1 pcs rebbon - 1 pcs bebe rose - 2 pcs box or bag - 1 pcs paking - 2 pcs pines branches - 1 pcs box with water - 1 pcs
- Width - 35 cm
- Height - 50 cm
This designer bouquet is a real work of art. It consists of elegant white roses (3 pcs.), delicate gerberas (2 pcs.) and beautiful chrysanthemums (5 pcs.), decorated with miniature baby roses (2 pcs.) and playful carnations (7 pcs.). The bouquet is complemented by fresh branches of eucalyptus (2 pcs.) and pine (1 pc.), creating a unique, natural aroma. The process is completed by placing the bouquet in a special box with water (1 pc.), packing it in a stylish bag or box (1 pc.) and decorating it with an exquisite satin bow (1 pc.). As a bonus, there is a permanent postcard (1 pc.), where you can leave heartfelt words. The whole process is completed using Chrysal (1 pc.), whose humidifying function will ensure long-term preservation of the beauty and freshness of the composition. With this bouquet, the celebration will turn into an unforgettable event.
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