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A captivating bouquet of 20 dark pink spray roses, each petal a testament to natures artistry. These roses, in their rich hue, symbolize gratitude and admiration, creating a stunning display of affection and appreciation. Their delicate blooms form a lush arrangement that exudes elegance and romance. Perfectly curated and thoughtfully arranged, this bouquet is a gesture of profound sentiment, destined to leave a lasting impression. Its a celebration of beauty and love, ready to grace any occasion with its exquisite presence.
Pretty pink
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- FlowerBouquets - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
dark pink spray rose - 20 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 45 cm
A captivating bouquet of 20 dark pink spray roses, each petal a testament to natures artistry. These roses, in their rich hue, symbolize gratitude and admiration, creating a stunning display of affection and appreciation. Their delicate blooms form a lush arrangement that exudes elegance and romance. Perfectly curated and thoughtfully arranged, this bouquet is a gesture of profound sentiment, destined to leave a lasting impression. Its a celebration of beauty and love, ready to grace any occasion with its exquisite presence.
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