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Delight in the soft romance of our bouquet, featuring exquisite peony-style pink roses and fresh eucalyptus. The lush, full blooms of the roses bring a sense of timeless beauty, while the fragrant eucalyptus adds a touch of modern elegance. Perfect for expressing love, gratitude, or simply adding charm to any moment, this bouquet arrives beautifully arranged and ready to captivate.
Stock confirmed 5 min ago
Pink Roses and Eucalyptus Bouquet -1047
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- 3 people product added to their collections
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Ribbon - 2 pcs Eucalyptus - 1 pcs Hatbox - 1 pcs peony spray rose cerise - 7 pcs
- Width - 20 cm
- Height - 20 cm
Delight in the soft romance of our bouquet, featuring exquisite peony-style pink roses and fresh eucalyptus. The lush, full blooms of the roses bring a sense of timeless beauty, while the fragrant eucalyptus adds a touch of modern elegance. Perfect for expressing love, gratitude, or simply adding charm to any moment, this bouquet arrives beautifully arranged and ready to captivate.
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