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Delight in the perfect harmony of color and fragrance with this captivating bouquet featuring ten aromatic pink garden roses and ten exquisite peach garden roses. Each bloom, with its velvety petals and captivating scent, emanates a timeless allure, evoking feelings of romance and serenity. Artfully arranged to showcase their natural beauty, the roses create a mesmerizing symphony of colors, blending soft pinks with delicate peach tones. Their sweet aroma fills the air, enveloping every moment in a sense of enchantment and elegance. Whether celebrating love or marking a special occasion, this bouquet is a stunning expression of affection and admiration, leaving hearts enraptured.
Pink Peach Beauty
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- FlowerBouquets - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
peach garden rose - 10 pcs pink garden rose - 10 pcs
- Width - 25 cm
- Height - 45 cm
Delight in the perfect harmony of color and fragrance with this captivating bouquet featuring ten aromatic pink garden roses and ten exquisite peach garden roses. Each bloom, with its velvety petals and captivating scent, emanates a timeless allure, evoking feelings of romance and serenity. Artfully arranged to showcase their natural beauty, the roses create a mesmerizing symphony of colors, blending soft pinks with delicate peach tones. Their sweet aroma fills the air, enveloping every moment in a sense of enchantment and elegance. Whether celebrating love or marking a special occasion, this bouquet is a stunning expression of affection and admiration, leaving hearts enraptured.
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