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Delicate fragrant bouquet with pink Sarah Bernard peonies, daisies and spray roses. Despite its size, the bouquet will delight with its summer mood and perfect delicate colour. The peony season is fleeting, we highly recommend that you have time to savour these flowers.
Stock confirmed 5 min ago
Peonies and Roses Bouquet
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carnation - 3 pcs matricaria - 2 pcs design packaging - 1 pcs peony sarah bernard - 2 pcs feather grass - 2 pcs spray roses - 2 pcs
- Width - 26 cm
- Height - 40 cm
Delicate fragrant bouquet with pink Sarah Bernard peonies, daisies and spray roses. Despite its size, the bouquet will delight with its summer mood and perfect delicate colour. The peony season is fleeting, we highly recommend that you have time to savour these flowers.
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Pavlo Hyriavets
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Danubia sousa
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Amazing service ! The best customer service I could ask for! Simply amazing 🤩
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