Delve into the floral world with this exceptional Florists Special arrangement. It boasts a captivating blend of 4 striking Craspedias, 4 gracefully bold Chrysanthemum Deco, and a single magnificently rich Hydrangea in Meroon. This carefully handpicked selection of flowers is designed to radiate enchanting beauty in every corner of your surroundings. Its not just a floral arrangement, but a celebration of natures intricate artistry.
in_stock_confirmed today
Maroon elegance bouq
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 9 5bonus
craspedia - 4 pcs chrysanthemum deco - 4 pcs hydrangeas meroon - 1 pcs
- Width - 14 inch
- Height - 23 inch
July hoy, United Arab Emirates
Country of manufacture
United Arab Emirates
Delve into the floral world with this exceptional Florists Special arrangement. It boasts a captivating blend of 4 striking Craspedias, 4 gracefully bold Chrysanthemum Deco, and a single magnificently rich Hydrangea in Meroon. This carefully handpicked selection of flowers is designed to radiate enchanting beauty in every corner of your surroundings. Its not just a floral arrangement, but a celebration of natures intricate artistry.