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A stunning bouquet boasting a lavish array of blooms, featuring ten luscious pink peonies, five delicate garden spray roses in soft pink, and ten classic pink roses. Each peony exudes opulence and romance, with its voluminous layers of petals, symbolizing prosperity and affection. The garden spray roses add a whimsical touch, with their abundant clusters and gentle fragrance, evoking a sense of enchantment and charm. Complemented by the timeless beauty of the pink roses, this arrangement radiates elegance and grace. Perfect for commemorating special moments or expressing heartfelt sentiments, this bouquet captivates with its beauty and exuberance, making every occasion unforgettable.
Luxury Pink
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- FlowerBouquets - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
Pink rose - 10 pcs pink peony - 10 pcs pink garden spray rose - 5 pcs
- Width - 25 cm
- Height - 50 cm
A stunning bouquet boasting a lavish array of blooms, featuring ten luscious pink peonies, five delicate garden spray roses in soft pink, and ten classic pink roses. Each peony exudes opulence and romance, with its voluminous layers of petals, symbolizing prosperity and affection. The garden spray roses add a whimsical touch, with their abundant clusters and gentle fragrance, evoking a sense of enchantment and charm. Complemented by the timeless beauty of the pink roses, this arrangement radiates elegance and grace. Perfect for commemorating special moments or expressing heartfelt sentiments, this bouquet captivates with its beauty and exuberance, making every occasion unforgettable.
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