Unveil unique aesthetic charm with our special florist bouquet combining ethereal shades of whites and pinks. The arrangement incorporates a duo of white hydrangeas exhibiting opulent beauty, accompanied by five cherubic baby roses in captivating whites. Ten strategically chosen pink and white alstroemerias add a splash of dainty contrast, while seven pink roses further demonstrate an undulating charisma of sublime love. Its more than a bouquet; its a visual symphony that captivates your senses and permeates with an irresistible allure for any occasion.
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Lovely mix
- 1 person added the item to their collections
white hydrangea - 2 pcs baby rose white - 5 pcs alstroemeria pink and white - 10 pcs roses pink - 7 pcs
- Width - 50 cm
- Height - 60 cm
Unveil unique aesthetic charm with our special florist bouquet combining ethereal shades of whites and pinks. The arrangement incorporates a duo of white hydrangeas exhibiting opulent beauty, accompanied by five cherubic baby roses in captivating whites. Ten strategically chosen pink and white alstroemerias add a splash of dainty contrast, while seven pink roses further demonstrate an undulating charisma of sublime love. Its more than a bouquet; its a visual symphony that captivates your senses and permeates with an irresistible allure for any occasion.
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