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This unique authors bouquet will be a wonderful gift for connoisseurs of sophistication and elegance. It includes four gorgeous white hydrangeas that add tenderness and lightness to the composition. Six bright pink chrysanthemums emphasize the overall charm and complement the color palette of the bouquet. Crowning the creation are seven beautiful pink roses, which make the composition more lively and lush. Each flower puts its own note in this luxurious chord, creating a marvelous aroma and amazingly beautiful appearance.
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white hydrangea - 4 pcs pink chrysanthemum - 6 pcs pink roses - 7 pcs
- Width - 55 cm
- Height - 60 cm
This unique authors bouquet will be a wonderful gift for connoisseurs of sophistication and elegance. It includes four gorgeous white hydrangeas that add tenderness and lightness to the composition. Six bright pink chrysanthemums emphasize the overall charm and complement the color palette of the bouquet. Crowning the creation are seven beautiful pink roses, which make the composition more lively and lush. Each flower puts its own note in this luxurious chord, creating a marvelous aroma and amazingly beautiful appearance.
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