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Celebrate the beauty of simplicity with this stunning bouquet. Thoughtfully arranged with elegant Lilies, fresh Eucalyptus, vibrant Hypericum berries, and warm Oak Leaves, its a heartfelt gesture for someone who deserves all the love in the world. Paired with a unique round glass vase, it’s the perfect way to make their day extra special.
Lily lux
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Eucalyptus - 6 pcs white lilly - 2 pcs
- Width - 20 inch
- Height - 12 inch
July house, United Arab Emirates
Country of manufacture
United Arab Emirates
Celebrate the beauty of simplicity with this stunning bouquet. Thoughtfully arranged with elegant Lilies, fresh Eucalyptus, vibrant Hypericum berries, and warm Oak Leaves, its a heartfelt gesture for someone who deserves all the love in the world. Paired with a unique round glass vase, it’s the perfect way to make their day extra special.
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