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Immerse yourself in the beauty of our bouquet, featuring 25 exquisite pink roses. Each rose captivates with its delicate petals and elegant shade of pink, creating an atmosphere of tenderness and sophistication. Expertly arranged and elegantly wrapped, its a stunning gift that will be cherished.
Stock confirmed 30 min ago
Jumilia Roses Bouquet
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- 1 person added the item to their collections
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packaging - 1 pcs rose jumilia - 25 pcs
- Width - 35 cm
- Height - 40 cm
Immerse yourself in the beauty of our bouquet, featuring 25 exquisite pink roses. Each rose captivates with its delicate petals and elegant shade of pink, creating an atmosphere of tenderness and sophistication. Expertly arranged and elegantly wrapped, its a stunning gift that will be cherished.
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