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Radiate sophistication and grace with Ivory Delight, a timeless arrangement of delicately cream-tinted roses. These exquisite blooms exude understated luxury and are perfect for those who appreciate simplicity and beauty in its purest form. Housed in a modern glass vase, this arrangement will add a serene, elegant touch to any space, be it a refined dinner setting or a minimalist room in need of a chic focal point. Ivory Delight embodies the essence of timeless charm and is ideal for celebrations that call for a subtle, yet captivating floral accent. Gift Details: Roses Ruscus Vase
Ivory Delight Rose Arrangement
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Ruscus - 1 pcs Vase - 1 pcs roses - 10 pcs
- Width - 25 cm
- Height - 30 cm
Gv flowers, United Arab Emirates
Country of manufacture
United Arab Emirates
Radiate sophistication and grace with Ivory Delight, a timeless arrangement of delicately cream-tinted roses. These exquisite blooms exude understated luxury and are perfect for those who appreciate simplicity and beauty in its purest form. Housed in a modern glass vase, this arrangement will add a serene, elegant touch to any space, be it a refined dinner setting or a minimalist room in need of a chic focal point. Ivory Delight embodies the essence of timeless charm and is ideal for celebrations that call for a subtle, yet captivating floral accent. Gift Details: Roses Ruscus Vase
Ratings and reviews
November 2024
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