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Bold and vibrant, this striking bouquet of bright pink Gerberas is a celebration of joy and passion. Paired with fine sprigs of Baby’s Breath and lush greenery, this arrangement exudes energy and liveliness. Whether youre looking to make a statement or bring a pop of color to any room, this arrangement is sure to leave a lasting impression. Perfect for congratulatory occasions or simply to spread happiness. Gift Details: Gerbera Gypsophila Leather Fern Vase
Hot Pink Passion Flower Arrangement
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Vase - 1 pcs gerbera orange - 15 pcs gypso - 3 pcs leatherferm - 5 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 50 cm
Gv flowers, United Arab Emirates
Country of manufacture
United Arab Emirates
Bold and vibrant, this striking bouquet of bright pink Gerberas is a celebration of joy and passion. Paired with fine sprigs of Baby’s Breath and lush greenery, this arrangement exudes energy and liveliness. Whether youre looking to make a statement or bring a pop of color to any room, this arrangement is sure to leave a lasting impression. Perfect for congratulatory occasions or simply to spread happiness. Gift Details: Gerbera Gypsophila Leather Fern Vase
Ratings and reviews
November 2024
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