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Unveil a bouquet of beauty with our Flower Box containing 40 red roses. These carefully selected flowers are nestled within a tastefully designed box for a presentation that exudes elegance. Allow their captivating fragrance to enchant any room. Perfect for sending a touching message to your loved ones, or enhancing your decor with a touch of natures charm. Enjoy the sheer bliss these flowers offer.
Heavenly Red Roses in Box
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Red rose - 50 pcs
- Width - 40 cm
- Height - 30 cm
Unveil a bouquet of beauty with our Flower Box containing 40 red roses. These carefully selected flowers are nestled within a tastefully designed box for a presentation that exudes elegance. Allow their captivating fragrance to enchant any room. Perfect for sending a touching message to your loved ones, or enhancing your decor with a touch of natures charm. Enjoy the sheer bliss these flowers offer.
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