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A gentle and heartwarming bouquet of 30 soft pink carnations. The delicate petals and sweet fragrance of these blooms create a serene and soothing atmosphere. This arrangement is perfect for expressing sympathy, gratitude, or simply to brighten someones day.
Gentle Embrace
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carnation pink - 30 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 55 cm
A gentle and heartwarming bouquet of 30 soft pink carnations. The delicate petals and sweet fragrance of these blooms create a serene and soothing atmosphere. This arrangement is perfect for expressing sympathy, gratitude, or simply to brighten someones day.
Ratings and reviews
This week
February 2025
February 2025
Great experience! Even on 14feb they could arrange the delivery in time! And really fast replied. Great service!
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