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Our bouquet is a delicate blend of soft French roses and graceful eustoma. The combination of these refined blooms creates a bouquet that radiates tenderness and sophistication, perfect for expressing love or marking a special occasion. Beautifully handcrafted, this bouquet embodies charm and elegance, arriving ready to enchant and delight.
French Roses and Eustoma Bouquet
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Satin ribbon - 1 pcs white eustoma - 7 pcs design packaging - 1 pcs french rose - 5 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 55 cm
Our bouquet is a delicate blend of soft French roses and graceful eustoma. The combination of these refined blooms creates a bouquet that radiates tenderness and sophistication, perfect for expressing love or marking a special occasion. Beautifully handcrafted, this bouquet embodies charm and elegance, arriving ready to enchant and delight.
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