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Celebrate love and passion with our exquisite "Eternal Passion Bouquet," featuring 16 stunning red roses elegantly arranged in a sleek black square box. This thoughtfully curated bouquet is a timeless expression of affection, perfect for romantic occasions, anniversaries, or any moment when you want to convey your deepest emotions. Each red rose is carefully selected for its vibrant color, velvety texture, and captivating fragrance, creating a striking visual contrast against the chic black box. The square design adds a modern touch, making this bouquet a sophisticated and memorable gift. Our skilled florists arrange the roses with precision, ensuring a harmonious composition that reflects the beauty and intensity of true love. The arrangement is completed with tasteful greenery to enhance the overall presentation. Send the "Eternal Passion Bouquet" to someone special and let the timeless allure of red roses in a black square box express the enduring nature of your love. This gift is not just a bouquet; it's a symbol of everlasting passion and commitment.
Eternal Passion Bouquet
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Red rose - 16 pcs Box - 1 pcs
- Width - 19 cm
- Height - 21 cm
Celebrate love and passion with our exquisite "Eternal Passion Bouquet," featuring 16 stunning red roses elegantly arranged in a sleek black square box. This thoughtfully curated bouquet is a timeless expression of affection, perfect for romantic occasions, anniversaries, or any moment when you want to convey your deepest emotions. Each red rose is carefully selected for its vibrant color, velvety texture, and captivating fragrance, creating a striking visual contrast against the chic black box. The square design adds a modern touch, making this bouquet a sophisticated and memorable gift. Our skilled florists arrange the roses with precision, ensuring a harmonious composition that reflects the beauty and intensity of true love. The arrangement is completed with tasteful greenery to enhance the overall presentation. Send the "Eternal Passion Bouquet" to someone special and let the timeless allure of red roses in a black square box express the enduring nature of your love. This gift is not just a bouquet; it's a symbol of everlasting passion and commitment.
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