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Embrace the refined beauty of our Delicate Elegance bouquet. This exquisite arrangement features pristine white chrysanthemums, elegant French roses, and soft pink carnations, each bloom adding a touch of grace and charm. Enhanced by fresh eucalyptus and the subtle allure of chamelaucium, this bouquet exudes a gentle, sophisticated ambiance. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion where elegance is key, this bouquet creates a stunning statement of beauty and refinement.
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Delicate Elegance
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chrysanthemum bush - 2 pcs carnation - 3 pcs single-headed rose - 3 pcs design packaging - 1 pcs chamelacium - 1 pcs
- Width - 35 cm
- Height - 40 cm
Embrace the refined beauty of our Delicate Elegance bouquet. This exquisite arrangement features pristine white chrysanthemums, elegant French roses, and soft pink carnations, each bloom adding a touch of grace and charm. Enhanced by fresh eucalyptus and the subtle allure of chamelaucium, this bouquet exudes a gentle, sophisticated ambiance. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion where elegance is key, this bouquet creates a stunning statement of beauty and refinement.
6255 ratings • 5832 purchases
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As usual amazing bouquets 😍
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Very beautiful bouquet 😍
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