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Embrace the soft allure of our bouquet, featuring delicate Pink Mondial roses. Known for their exquisite blush hue and velvety petals, these roses embody romance and grace, making them the perfect gift for any occasion. This enchanting arrangement captures the essence of love and tenderness, ideal for anniversaries, birthdays, or as a heartfelt gesture to someone special. Let this lovely bouquet speak your heart!
Delicate Bouquet of Pink Mondial Roses
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packaging - 1 pcs pink mondial rose - 9 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 55 cm
Embrace the soft allure of our bouquet, featuring delicate Pink Mondial roses. Known for their exquisite blush hue and velvety petals, these roses embody romance and grace, making them the perfect gift for any occasion. This enchanting arrangement captures the essence of love and tenderness, ideal for anniversaries, birthdays, or as a heartfelt gesture to someone special. Let this lovely bouquet speak your heart!
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