This Mono Bouquet is an epitome of elegance and simplicity. It features eight carefully handpicked stems of fresh, blossoming red roses; their fiery hue serves as a testament of love and passion that cannot be overlooked. Accompanying these beauties are five sprigs of delicate Babys Breath, adding an ethereal touch to the bouquet with its tiny, star-like blooms. The entirety of the arrangement is gracefully ensconced in two sheets of high-quality Jute wrapping, adding a rustic charm to the bouquet. This bouquet is more than just a gift; its a symbol of affection, warmth, and enduring love.
in_stock_confirmed 35 min ago
Christmas Special
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 6.33 5bonus
jute wrapping - 2 pcs babys breath - 5 pcs stems of fresh red roses - 8 pcs
- Width - 35 cm
- Height - 45 cm
La vida flowers and gifts, United Arab Emirates
Country of manufacture
United Arab Emirates
This Mono Bouquet is an epitome of elegance and simplicity. It features eight carefully handpicked stems of fresh, blossoming red roses; their fiery hue serves as a testament of love and passion that cannot be overlooked. Accompanying these beauties are five sprigs of delicate Babys Breath, adding an ethereal touch to the bouquet with its tiny, star-like blooms. The entirety of the arrangement is gracefully ensconced in two sheets of high-quality Jute wrapping, adding a rustic charm to the bouquet. This bouquet is more than just a gift; its a symbol of affection, warmth, and enduring love.
Reviews_2 and reviews
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
Beautiful flowers, excellent service and on-time delivery.
December 2024
Заказ мне не привезли, продавец отменил заказ в последнюю секунду, когда уже должны были привезти цветы. Я рассчитывал на цветы и подарок, но продавец без каких либо сообщений и предупреждений в одностороннем порядке отменил заказ - это ужасно! Надо удалять таких продавцов с площадки!