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Immerse yourself in a symphony of colors with our florists special bouquet, skillfully curated with a dazzling array of 100 roses. Each piece bursts with freshness, bringing together 20 crisp white roses, 20 blushing pink ones, 20 passionate red, 20 cheery yellow, and 20 radiant orange blooms to create a spectacle of beauty and elegance. Adding an elaborate touch is a chic round glass vase of dimensions 30x15cms, perfect as a stunning centerpiece or a wonderful gift that will surely make your loved ones feel special.
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Bunch of 100 Mixed Roses In Glass Vase
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red roses - 20 pcs orange roses - 20 pcs pink roses - 20 pcs white roses - 20 pcs yellow roses - 20 pcs round glass vase – 30x15cms - 1 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 90 cm
Classic floral
Immerse yourself in a symphony of colors with our florists special bouquet, skillfully curated with a dazzling array of 100 roses. Each piece bursts with freshness, bringing together 20 crisp white roses, 20 blushing pink ones, 20 passionate red, 20 cheery yellow, and 20 radiant orange blooms to create a spectacle of beauty and elegance. Adding an elaborate touch is a chic round glass vase of dimensions 30x15cms, perfect as a stunning centerpiece or a wonderful gift that will surely make your loved ones feel special.
Ratings and reviews
November 2024
Ryzhiy kotik
October 2024
Не такой эффектный в жизни, как на фото. В целом все в порядке, фото до отправки достоверное.
October 2024
Shihana Nachiya
October 2024
October 2024
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