A delicate bouquet in cream-white tones of roses, orchids and dianthus. Such a bouquet is always appropriate and suitable for any occasion: Birthday, wedding anniversary, baby's birth, March 8, Valentine's Day, graduation, etc. Can be given to a mother, sister, friend, colleague, teacher, sweetheart.
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Bouquet of roses and orchids-1338
- 13 people product added to their collections
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
Pistachio - 5 pcs Orchid - 3 pcs packaging - 1 pcs carnation - 6 pcs ohara white rose - 7 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 50 cm
A delicate bouquet in cream-white tones of roses, orchids and dianthus. Such a bouquet is always appropriate and suitable for any occasion: Birthday, wedding anniversary, baby's birth, March 8, Valentine's Day, graduation, etc. Can be given to a mother, sister, friend, colleague, teacher, sweetheart.
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April 2024
очень красиво! доставка немного задержалась, но это того стоило🔥
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Marina Strokova
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