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Bouquet of spray roses in soft shades of pink. The flower colour may differ slightly from that shown in the photo. Before delivery starts, we will send you a photo of the actual flowers for approval.
Stock confirmed 5 min ago
Lush Pink Spray Rose Bouquet
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- 18 people product added to their collections
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Satin ribbon - 1 pcs Spray rose - 21 pcs designer wrapping - 1 pcs
- Width - 25 cm
- Height - 31 cm
Bouquet of spray roses in soft shades of pink. The flower colour may differ slightly from that shown in the photo. Before delivery starts, we will send you a photo of the actual flowers for approval.
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Pavlo Hyriavets
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Danubia sousa
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Amazing service ! The best customer service I could ask for! Simply amazing 🤩
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Sonja Szymanski
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