A bouquet of varieties of carnations (dianthus) in delicate pink shades. One of the most underrated flowers is the carnation. Insanely beautiful, marshmallowy, lacey, with lots of delicious shades: vanilla, coffee, lemon, peach, berry - I can't list everything. And everyone knows about durability. Clove - a flower that combines in its unique charm, passionate love and boundless courage. She is the perfect embodiment of Yin and Yang harmony. And they also have a subtle, amazing scent!
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Bouquet of pink carnations (dianthus)-1348
- 19 people product added to their collections
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
Ribbon - 1 pcs packaging - 1 pcs pink carnation - 5 pcs tissue - 1 pcs
- Width - 23 cm
- Height - 45 cm
A bouquet of varieties of carnations (dianthus) in delicate pink shades. One of the most underrated flowers is the carnation. Insanely beautiful, marshmallowy, lacey, with lots of delicious shades: vanilla, coffee, lemon, peach, berry - I can't list everything. And everyone knows about durability. Clove - a flower that combines in its unique charm, passionate love and boundless courage. She is the perfect embodiment of Yin and Yang harmony. And they also have a subtle, amazing scent!
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