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A pink rose with greenery bouquet typically consists of a collection of pink roses arranged with various green foliage such as eucalyptus, ferns, or ivy. The pink roses can vary in shade from soft pastel pink to bright fuchsia, and the greenery is often used to add texture and depth to the bouquet. This type of bouquet is commonly associated with romantic occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, and Valentine's Day. The soft, delicate beauty of the pink roses paired with the lush green foliage creates a stunning display that can brighten up any room or occasion.
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Eucalyptus - 2 pcs Ruscus - 5 pcs gipsophila - 5 pcs esperance pink double color rose - 15 pcs areca palm - 3 pcs
- Width - 20 cm
- Height - 50 cm
A pink rose with greenery bouquet typically consists of a collection of pink roses arranged with various green foliage such as eucalyptus, ferns, or ivy. The pink roses can vary in shade from soft pastel pink to bright fuchsia, and the greenery is often used to add texture and depth to the bouquet. This type of bouquet is commonly associated with romantic occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, and Valentine's Day. The soft, delicate beauty of the pink roses paired with the lush green foliage creates a stunning display that can brighten up any room or occasion.
149 ratings • 135 purchases
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February 2025
February 2025
February 2025
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