A blissful remedy to your heartfelt affection- red roses, aqua pink roses, pink gypso with gold heart tag and pink lace ribbon speak the language of love subtly but surely
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Blushing Beauty
- IGP Flowers - Supershop. Supershops are shops with excellent reviews that do their best to offer high-quality customer service.
gypso - 1 pcs roses red - 8 pcs roses aqua pink - 8 pcs
- Width - 20 cm
- Height - 20 cm
A blissful remedy to your heartfelt affection- red roses, aqua pink roses, pink gypso with gold heart tag and pink lace ribbon speak the language of love subtly but surely
304 ratings • 310 purchases
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Amol Dhamane
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Inspite of pre booking the delivery one day prior, the cake was delivered even in the evening. Pathetic service.
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