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  • 25 cm
  • 40 cm

Indulge in the charm of our Florists Specials with this breathtaking bouquet! Carefully composed of 5 sumptuous red roses, this arrangement stands as a symbol of love and passion. Bringing balance and purity, one striking white rose has been added to please the eye. Complimented by 2 lovely pink roses, this bouquet subtly brings a touch of romance and admiration. Final touches of elegance and freshness are granted by a delightful mix of 2 white and green flowers. This diverse bouquet promises to add a touch of magic to any occasion.

Aurelia s mix flowers

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Red rose - 5 pcs Pink rose - 2 pcs white roses - 1 pcs white and green flowers mix - 2 pcs


  • Width - 25 cm
  • Height - 40 cm


Aurelia, United Arab Emirates

Country of manufacture

United Arab Emirates

Indulge in the charm of our Florists Specials with this breathtaking bouquet! Carefully composed of 5 sumptuous red roses, this arrangement stands as a symbol of love and passion. Bringing balance and purity, one striking white rose has been added to please the eye. Complimented by 2 lovely pink roses, this bouquet subtly brings a touch of romance and admiration. Final touches of elegance and freshness are granted by a delightful mix of 2 white and green flowers. This diverse bouquet promises to add a touch of magic to any occasion.

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Aurelia flowers

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Ratings and reviews


November 2024 Google maps review

  • Shop service

    5 /5

Very good service, fresh flowers always most important very reasonable price ❤️ loved it


October 2024 Google maps review

  • Shop service

    5 /5

Amazing service. Beautiful flowers. I've been ordering all my arrangements from them for more than a year now and I've never been disappointed!


September 2024 Google maps review

  • Shop service

    5 /5

I recently ordered a bouquet and I couldn’t be more impressed with the quality & service I recieved.The flowers were incredibly fresh & beautifully arranged. Overall, I had an outstanding experience and I’ll definitely be returning for future flower needs. Highly recommend!

Buyer protection If the actual item doesn't match the listed composition, you can return it or get a refund.
Cancellation rules You can cancel the order before delivery for free, the money will be fully refunded to you.

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