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Our 50 Premium Yellow Roses Bouquet is a stunning display of nature's beauty. Each bouquet is carefully handcrafted with 50 vibrant yellow roses, symbolizing joy, friendship, and new beginnings. These premium roses are known for their exquisite beauty and long-lasting freshness, making them the perfect gift for any occasion. Whether you want to surprise someone special, celebrate a milestone, or simply brighten up a room, this bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression. The radiant yellow color of the roses adds a touch of sunshine and warmth to any space, spreading happiness and positivity. With our commitment to quality, you can be assured that each rose in this bouquet is fresh and blooming. We source our flowers from trusted growers, ensuring that only the finest blooms make it into our bouquets. The result is a stunning arrangement that will bring joy and beauty to any recipient
50 Premium Yellow Roses Bouquet
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Yellow rose - 50 pcs
- Width - 40 cm
- Height - 55 cm
Our 50 Premium Yellow Roses Bouquet is a stunning display of nature's beauty. Each bouquet is carefully handcrafted with 50 vibrant yellow roses, symbolizing joy, friendship, and new beginnings. These premium roses are known for their exquisite beauty and long-lasting freshness, making them the perfect gift for any occasion. Whether you want to surprise someone special, celebrate a milestone, or simply brighten up a room, this bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression. The radiant yellow color of the roses adds a touch of sunshine and warmth to any space, spreading happiness and positivity. With our commitment to quality, you can be assured that each rose in this bouquet is fresh and blooming. We source our flowers from trusted growers, ensuring that only the finest blooms make it into our bouquets. The result is a stunning arrangement that will bring joy and beauty to any recipient
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