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Immerse yourself in the world of elegance with this breathtaking mono bouquet. Intricately designed with 100 stunning pink and white roses, its captivating allure doesnt end there, as it is also complemented with an additional 85 exquisite white roses from Ecuador. To heighten its enchanting appeal, it has 100 light pink petals and 60 sturdy pink rose stems. This luxurious bouquet speaks the language of love, grace, and sophistication, making it perfect for any special occasion. Stimulate emotions and convey feelings with this masterfully crafted bundle of beauty.
Stock confirmed 30 min ago
100 sten Equcdor Mero sathi
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pink and white rose - 100 pcs pink rose stems - 60 pcs white rose equcdor - 85 pcs pink light - 100 pcs
- Width - 40 cm
- Height - 70 cm
Immerse yourself in the world of elegance with this breathtaking mono bouquet. Intricately designed with 100 stunning pink and white roses, its captivating allure doesnt end there, as it is also complemented with an additional 85 exquisite white roses from Ecuador. To heighten its enchanting appeal, it has 100 light pink petals and 60 sturdy pink rose stems. This luxurious bouquet speaks the language of love, grace, and sophistication, making it perfect for any special occasion. Stimulate emotions and convey feelings with this masterfully crafted bundle of beauty.
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