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Flores y regalos

Casa y Jardín

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  • 20 cm
  • 35 cm

Respected feng shui masters believe that the money tree, or pajira, brings good luck and good fortune to business and family. This tropical moist tree grows in the swamps of Central and South America. These trees have the ability to grow up to 60 feet tall in the wild. They are beneficial to place as small plants in homes and offices.

Guía de cuidados

A popular ornamental plant. Provide bright, indirect light, keep evenly moist, not wet or dry Large houseplant


94 valoraciones del artículo
  • para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
  • 1 persona añadido artículo a tu lista
  • Consigue 5.85 bonos

Frecuencia de riego

4 veces en semanal


  • Anchura - 20 cm
  • Altura - 35 cm

Respected feng shui masters believe that the money tree, or pajira, brings good luck and good fortune to business and family. This tropical moist tree grows in the swamps of Central and South America. These trees have the ability to grow up to 60 feet tall in the wild. They are beneficial to place as small plants in homes and offices.

Guía de cuidados

A popular ornamental plant. Provide bright, indirect light, keep evenly moist, not wet or dry Large houseplant

Acepta bonos

Sun flowers and plants

Ir a la tienda

94 valoraciones 76 compras

Valoraciones y opinión


Octubre 2024

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    5 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5


Septiembre 2024

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    3 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5


Marzo 2024

  • Servicio

    4 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    4 /5

  • Entrega

    3 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    4 /5


Marzo 2024

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    4 /5

  • Entrega

    5 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    1 /5


Febrero 2024

  • Servicio

    1 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    2 /5

  • Entrega

    1 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    1 /5

this is the worst service you can imagine, they delivered flowers to the wrong address so I didn’t receive it, the order based on the photo was radically different from what was in the catalogue, plus they respond once an hour in chat. I don't recommend it to anyone

Protección del cliente En caso de que el artículo no coincida con la composición, puedes devolverlo a la tienda o quedarte el artículo y negociar una compensación con la tienda.
Normas de cancelación Puedes cancelar tu pedido de forma gratuita antes de la entrega y te devolveremos el importe íntegro.

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