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Flores y regalos

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  • 14 cm
  • 20 cm

1 Gold Sanseveria Plant 20 CM Planted in a Golden Design Ceramic Pot Planter Dimensions H-13.5*13.5cm, W- 12 cm Approx It’s a Low Maintenance Plant

Guía de cuidados

Provide low to bright indirect light and water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering. Trim any yellowing or damaged leaves to maintain the plant's appearance, but note that it's a low-maintenance plant that generally thrives with minimal attention.

Gold Sansevieria in Premium Planter

1 mil valoraciones del artículo
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  • 1 persona añadido artículo a tu lista
  • Consigue 4.45 bonos

Frecuencia de riego

1 veces en mes


  • Anchura - 14 cm
  • Altura - 20 cm

1 Gold Sanseveria Plant 20 CM Planted in a Golden Design Ceramic Pot Planter Dimensions H-13.5*13.5cm, W- 12 cm Approx It’s a Low Maintenance Plant

Guía de cuidados

Provide low to bright indirect light and water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering. Trim any yellowing or damaged leaves to maintain the plant's appearance, but note that it's a low-maintenance plant that generally thrives with minimal attention.

Acepta bonos

FNP Cakes

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1701 valoración 1267 compras

Valoraciones y opinión

Abdullah Alobaidi

Esta semana

  • Servicio

    1 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    1 /5

  • Entrega

    1 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    1 /5

I ordered this I got another order


Marzo 2025

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    5 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5

Tatiana Veselovskaya

Marzo 2025

  • Servicio

    0 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    0 /5

  • Entrega

    0 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5


Marzo 2025

  • Servicio

    1 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    0 /5

  • Entrega

    0 /5

In short the order was placed at 11am, delivery was set for 4pm, driver contacted me at 2pm letting me know delivery will be at 6pm instead, I followed up at 7 only to be told delivery again was pushed back to 11pm!! I called the store and my calls were ignored and there was no follow up on their end! Overall it was ridiculous and a horrible experience!


Marzo 2025

  • Servicio

    1 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    1 /5

  • Entrega

    1 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    1 /5

Protección del cliente En caso de que el artículo no coincida con la composición, puedes devolverlo a la tienda o quedarte el artículo y negociar una compensación con la tienda.
Normas de cancelación Puedes cancelar tu pedido de forma gratuita antes de la entrega y te devolveremos el importe íntegro.

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