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  • 30 cm
  • 50 cm

Sunny yellow chrysanthemum will be delivered in a cylinder vase of 25 cm height and 8 cm width. Care Instructions: Cut the stems from the bottom at 45 degree in every 3 days and change water everyday to keep your flowers fresh. Avoid to keep from direct sunlight

Artículo temporalmente sin existencias

Yellow Chrysanthemum Vase -555

5 mil Valoraciones del artículo


yellow chrysanthemum - 10 ud. cylinder vase - 1 ud.


  • Anchura - 30 cm
  • Altura - 50 cm

Sunny yellow chrysanthemum will be delivered in a cylinder vase of 25 cm height and 8 cm width. Care Instructions: Cut the stems from the bottom at 45 degree in every 3 days and change water everyday to keep your flowers fresh. Avoid to keep from direct sunlight

Acepta bonos

Fellora Luxe Blooms

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5209 valoraciones 4674 compras

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    1 /5

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    1 /5

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    1 /5


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    5 /5

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  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5

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