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  • 35 cm
  • 50 cm

Embrace the warmth and cheerfulness of sunny days with our bouquet, featuring radiant yellow chrysanthemums. These vibrant blooms exude positivity and joy, effortlessly brightening any space with their golden hues. Perfect for celebrating special occasions or simply adding a touch of sunshine to your home, this bouquet is a delightful expression of happiness and warmth.

Artículo vendido

Yellow Chrysanthemum Bouquet

7 mil valoraciones del artículo
  • Fellora Flower Boutique - Supertienda. Las Supertiendas son tiendas con valoraciones excelentes que hacen todo lo posible por ofrecer un servicio de calidad.


chrysanthemum bush - 11 ud. kraft packaging - 1 ud.


  • Anchura - 35 cm
  • Altura - 50 cm

Embrace the warmth and cheerfulness of sunny days with our bouquet, featuring radiant yellow chrysanthemums. These vibrant blooms exude positivity and joy, effortlessly brightening any space with their golden hues. Perfect for celebrating special occasions or simply adding a touch of sunshine to your home, this bouquet is a delightful expression of happiness and warmth.

Supertienda Acepta bonos

Fellora Flower Boutique

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7583 valoraciones 6945 compras

Valoraciones y opinión

Ungureanu Anca Maria Elena

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    5 /5


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    5 /5

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    5 /5

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    5 /5


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    5 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    5 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5


Esta semana

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    5 /5

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    5 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5


Esta semana

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    5 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5

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