Meet the Wild Roses bouquet – a playful blend of roses and waxflowers thats as free-spirited as you are! Picture a burst of lush, romantic roses dancing with the whimsical, tiny blooms of waxflowers, all wrapped up in one joyful arrangement. Perfect for brightening someones day or adding a splash of color to your own space, the Wild Roses bouquet is like a hug from Mother Nature, full of charm, laughter, and a touch of wild fun.
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Wild Rose
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Eucalyptus - 3 ud. rose - 7 ud. white wax - 1 ud. purple wax - 3 ud.
Meet the Wild Roses bouquet – a playful blend of roses and waxflowers thats as free-spirited as you are! Picture a burst of lush, romantic roses dancing with the whimsical, tiny blooms of waxflowers, all wrapped up in one joyful arrangement. Perfect for brightening someones day or adding a splash of color to your own space, the Wild Roses bouquet is like a hug from Mother Nature, full of charm, laughter, and a touch of wild fun.
164 valoraciones • 156 compras
Valoraciones y opinión
Henry Odogwu
Esta semana
Maria Jose Martin
Esta semana
Febrero 2025
Most important thing that recipient is happy!
Diciembre 2024
Большое спасибо! Все шикарно
Diciembre 2024
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