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Revel in the graceful arrangement of this Mono Bouquet, beautifully curated with 16 charming pink roses interlaced with 15 pristine white roses. A symbol of elegance and affection, this bouquet is perfect to add a touch of delicacy and luxury to any occasion. The symphony of fresh blooms is bound to leave a lasting impression, embodying beauty, grace, and purity. Treat your special someone with this visually enchanting bouquet.
31 White and pink roses bouquet
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- Consigue 9.45 bonos
pink roses - 16 ud. white roses - 15 ud.
- Anchura - 35 cm
- Altura - 40 cm
Revel in the graceful arrangement of this Mono Bouquet, beautifully curated with 16 charming pink roses interlaced with 15 pristine white roses. A symbol of elegance and affection, this bouquet is perfect to add a touch of delicacy and luxury to any occasion. The symphony of fresh blooms is bound to leave a lasting impression, embodying beauty, grace, and purity. Treat your special someone with this visually enchanting bouquet.
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