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Dazzle the senses with an exquisite bouquet specially curated by our skilled florists. This timeless arrangement features 101 ethereal, white roses, considered a symbol of innocence and purity. Each rose is meticulously handpicked to create a luxuriance that will capture everyones attention. The bouquet is elegantly wrapped in 10 pieces of shimmering silver paper, enhancing the roses natural beauty and sophistication. Our florists then finish the masterpiece with 2 pieces of white ribbon delicately tied around the bouquet, for a hint of charm and grace. This delightfully arranged bouquet is sure to make any occasion memorable.
Existencias confirmadas 40 min hace
White 101 roses with silver wrrping paper
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 12 bonos
white riboon - 2 ud. white roses - 101 ud. silver paper packaged - 10 ud.
- Anchura - 60 cm
- Altura - 60 cm
País de fabricación
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Dazzle the senses with an exquisite bouquet specially curated by our skilled florists. This timeless arrangement features 101 ethereal, white roses, considered a symbol of innocence and purity. Each rose is meticulously handpicked to create a luxuriance that will capture everyones attention. The bouquet is elegantly wrapped in 10 pieces of shimmering silver paper, enhancing the roses natural beauty and sophistication. Our florists then finish the masterpiece with 2 pieces of white ribbon delicately tied around the bouquet, for a hint of charm and grace. This delightfully arranged bouquet is sure to make any occasion memorable.
Valoraciones y valoración
Anton Opryshko
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Молодцы это было хорошо изумительно
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