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Sun-kissed Garden Harmony Bouquet is a vibrant and enchanting arrangement featuring a delightful mix of yellow chrysanthemums, green chrysanthemums, peach baby roses, peach roses, pink roses, and sunflowers. Each bloom is carefully selected and expertly arranged to create a harmonious blend of colors and textures, evoking the beauty of a sun-kissed garden. Whether as a gift for a loved one or a decorative accent for any space, the Sun-kissed Garden Harmony Bouquet is sure to brighten any room and bring joy to all who behold its beauty. 10 stems Yellow chrysanthemums , 5 stems Green Chrysnthemums , 5 stem peach baby roses, 5 stem peach roses , 10 stems pink roses and 5 stems sunflower Beautifully arranged in a box.
Existencias confirmadas 110 min hace
Sun-kissed Garden Harmony Bouquet
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 35.91 bonos
Sunflower - 5 ud. yellow chrysanthemums - 10 ud. pink roses - 10 ud. peach roses - 5 ud. peach baby roses - 5 ud. green chrysnthemums - 5 ud.
- Anchura - 35 cm
- Altura - 30 cm
Sun-kissed Garden Harmony Bouquet is a vibrant and enchanting arrangement featuring a delightful mix of yellow chrysanthemums, green chrysanthemums, peach baby roses, peach roses, pink roses, and sunflowers. Each bloom is carefully selected and expertly arranged to create a harmonious blend of colors and textures, evoking the beauty of a sun-kissed garden. Whether as a gift for a loved one or a decorative accent for any space, the Sun-kissed Garden Harmony Bouquet is sure to brighten any room and bring joy to all who behold its beauty. 10 stems Yellow chrysanthemums , 5 stems Green Chrysnthemums , 5 stem peach baby roses, 5 stem peach roses , 10 stems pink roses and 5 stems sunflower Beautifully arranged in a box.
98 valoraciones • 80 compras
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Benedict Gil
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great service
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Mhanisi Malaba
Enero 2025
Diciembre 2024
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