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  • 19 cm
  • 40 cm

*Some of the irises in the bouquet may be closed. In a warm environment, irises open within 3–4 hours and last for long! 😋 Irises take pride of place among the most refined and elegant flowers. At present, there are around 300 iris species, but flower connoisseurs prefer the so-called bearded irises. These flowers bloom in early spring and grow till mid-summer. Irises are available in a variety of colours spanning the whole rainbow spectrum, but indigo and blue ones are considered to be the most sophisticated. Irises are also used in medicine and in cooking to decorate dishes and flavour desserts, salads, and drinks.

Spring irises

432 valoraciones del artículo
  • y podremos calcular el precio de la entrega
  • 4 personas han añadido el producto a sus listas
  • Consigue 23.92 bonificación


Satin ribbon - 1 ud. Iris - 30 ud. matte wrap film - 4 ud. goldenrod - 5 ud.


  • Anchura - 19 cm
  • Altura - 40 cm

*Some of the irises in the bouquet may be closed. In a warm environment, irises open within 3–4 hours and last for long! 😋 Irises take pride of place among the most refined and elegant flowers. At present, there are around 300 iris species, but flower connoisseurs prefer the so-called bearded irises. These flowers bloom in early spring and grow till mid-summer. Irises are available in a variety of colours spanning the whole rainbow spectrum, but indigo and blue ones are considered to be the most sophisticated. Irises are also used in medicine and in cooking to decorate dishes and flavour desserts, salads, and drinks.

Acepta bonos


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4.23 de 5 valoraciones de los artículos

432 valoraciones 316 compras

Valoraciones y valoración


Marzo 2023

  • Servicio

    1 /5

  • Precio/Calidad

    2 /5

  • Entrega

    1 /5

  • Corresponde

    1 /5

foto del artículo

Ужасный сервис и магазин. Привезли совершенно невовремя, после 20 звонков в магазин, совершенно другой букет нежели заказал, а второй не соответствовал картинке. Хуже доставки цветов у меня пока не было.


Marzo 2023

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Precio/Calidad

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    5 /5

  • Corresponde

    5 /5

foto previa a la entrega
foto del artículo


Agosto 2024

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Precio/Calidad

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    5 /5

  • Corresponde

    5 /5

Quick and kind response. Very accommodating. Prompt delivery and follows instructions carefully. ❤️


Junio 2024

  • Precio/Calidad

    3 /5

  • Corresponde

    1 /5

сильно отличается от того, что было на картинке

Mustafa akman

Mayo 2024

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Precio/Calidad

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    5 /5

  • Corresponde

    4 /5

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